Windows Vs Linux – One more time
Image via Wikipedia […] One of the most written and commented articles has to be Linux vs Windows (of course there are competitors like vim vs emacs) but none has been covered so much as Linux …

bash debug – log all executed commands
Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, …

find more information on ext2/3/4 filesystem
In my previous post on check filesystem regurlarly, I mentioned tune2fs. That tool give quite a lot of information. But just in case, you did not find what you are looking for in the output, then you …

Fedora – Ramdisk creation
In Fedora, ramdisks are not created by default as is the case with RHEL. So, if you need to get Ramdisks on Fedora, then you can do this: sudo yum install MAKEDEV This will create some default …

Allow incoming/outgoing ports on iptables
Last couple of years, I just used to disable iptables on my system, this time I decided not to disable it and keep it enabled. So far so good, now comes the tricky part, I have http server enabled on …

Your own local search engine.
There are times when you would want to have a local search engine capable of indexing even pdf and doc files. So here is a solution. You can use “Omega” and here are the instructions. download omega …

visio support comes to Linux with loads of new features of LibreOffice.
LibreOffice 3.5 was released few days back with loads of features and improvements. Most bragged about feature should be capability to read visio diagrams. You can read the full list of features here. …

Setup your own RFC Editor for Linux.
Well, if you are a professional who has to keep referring to RFC, then you know how good it would be to have the RFC downloaded and kept in your computer. But then unless you can search it and use and …

Tora installation on Fedora 16 with rpm
Last article I talked about tora installation from the sources, but if that is too much for you then you can use this one liner: rpm -ivh "" …

Blogging from N900
Can´t get simpler than this. Just install the application called wordpress in your N900, and punch in the details for your blog along with your admin login and password and you have a amazing …
debug call function() to debug a function in vim
Image via Wikipedia […] Have you ever wished that you could either see what is going on initially at the vim startup like you could do with C program in the gdm mode, but really did not want …
Installing Full Blin g theme on N900
I was going through the post : and found the theme quite intruging but not complete to the point where I can download the deb file and install it in …