vim autocomplete – automagically without tab.
Lets first do the setup in one line. Get my vim script downloader. Use the script to add the script with script ID : :1879 (vim-autocomplpop) to your list of plugins for vim and you are done. If you …
what is vim in 6Kb..
If you thought that vim is very bloated and nothing abuot this editor can be small, then you are not alone. I was myself in the same bandwagon. Well, I never thought that there could be anything about …
All in one solution for all the scripts of vim from
For quite sometime now, I was looking for some console based program which would help me get the scripts from A simple solution would have been to do a wget for the scripts. But since there …
shopt causes bash completion to stop working.
Couple of days, I added some scripts to my bash startup and suddenly realized that bash completions stopped working. This is tricky situation in bash to figure out what went wrong. So, I set my foot …
[Solved] Abbreviations not working in vim
Today I found that abbreviations are not working in vim in my current login. I searched log of blog’s and sill did not find any solution so I decided to take the matters in my hand. To start with I …
when you press f9 ‘paste’ is on , press f9 again and ‘paste’ is off, and so forth (works in insert-mode and command-mode)
<a class="zem_slink" title="Vim (text editor)" rel="homepage" href="">vim’s pastetoggle: when you press f9 …
Play with vim colors.
In vim you can customize the colors of your terminal vim or the GUI version. If you wanted to play around with colors then you can simply put the file containing the colorscheme to directory …
jumps and marks in vim
First we will talk about jumps in vim. Very useful for <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/navigation" title="Navigation" rel="wikipedia" …
bash script to change the vim colorscheme from the list of locally available schemes
Today I was just wondering how good it would be to have a script to change the <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/vim" title="Vim (text editor)" rel="homepage" …
vi tips with examples for programmers — very useful
First off, sorry for not posting regularly. Will be so for probably another couple of days. In the meantime found a very nice artcle on vim: <a …
vim – get the list of all the scripts available.
To get a list of all the scripts in the project, you can run the following command. This will list all the scripts with the script id. […] wget -O – …
Craeating a sequence in calc.
Creating a numberd list in the calc with alphabets can be really tiresome sometimes. I found a simple solution to this. Create the numbered list in vim and then paste it into calc. …