debug call function() to debug a function in vim
Image via Wikipedia […] Have you ever wished that you could either see what is going on initially at the vim startup like you could do with C program in the gdm mode, but really did not want …
Installing Full Blin g theme on N900
I was going through the post : and found the theme quite intruging but not complete to the point where I can download the deb file and install it in …
Installing Bling Theme on N900
Image via Wikipedia […] There is a very nice theme for N900 and it is called Bling theme. There is a problem though with the theme, the theme still does not have a installable .deb file, and …
Total upload and download on any interface.
Something that I have been searching for a long time, finally some look inside the <a class=“zem_slink” title=“Procfs” rel=“wikipedia” …
print every nth line
Some time back I was working with lot of data and wanted to analyze only the every 10 line sometimes and sometimes every 20th line. I had to keep doing these changes in vim or otherwise so finally I …
/bash debugger
In this section we’ll develop a very basic debugger for bash.[10] Most debuggers have numerous sophisticated features that help a programmer in dissecting a program, but just about all of them include …
bash regular expressions
Here are some quick links on bash regular expressions, pretty good links to bookmark, if you use, regular expressions in bash regularly. I especially like the tldp link at number 3. …
Ranking of the most frequently used commands
Lets take a quick look at how to get the most frequently used commands on you shell. So what we need to do is this: […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> history | awk …
fork a new process in perl
I was doing something today and found that I require to fork a new process in perl. Now I had never done this earlier, so I did not know how to do this. First some background : I was doing some …

Bash Script Beautifier
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …
Building a Finite State Machine Using DFA::Simple
2010/12/15 Building a Finite State Machine Using DFA::Simple By Bill Ruppert on September 23, 2004 12:00 AM I am converting some articles from MS Word to HTML by …
Make any command read line enabled (on *nix)
Make any command read line enabled (on *nix) […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> rlwrap sqlite3 database.db </div> </td> </tr> Enable readline even …