get the contents of whole site like some wiki or wikia
For wikis and wikia, generally if you are trying to get some url mirror, then is an excellent option. This script is in the python sources so, to get this tool, yumdownloader --source …

bash debug – log all executed commands
Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, …
vim mappings – easy way to do things.
You can use vim mappings to make some of your editor tasks very simple. Here I am giving you just a example, but you could always let your imagination run wild. :nmap ,b Oj0c$**hP And what do we do …
Fix typescript files generated with script command
Generally quite a lot of us would have used the script command. This generates the logs for the session. But the problem with the logs is that it contains a lot of un-readable characters. These …
remove the background the easy way — online
Here is a nice link to web application that lets you remove the unwanted background. Just head over to the side, follow the simple instructions of marking the background and the subject and you are …
create text tables from delimited files.
To create simple text tables to paste in emails or to use in any other document where you want to show a table, here is something that you can use. There is a perl module which provides “tablify“. And …
Vim – Why and where am I getting these errors from?
If you have got this question in your mind, then you are in right place. vim -V20 2>&1 |tee You can give the debugfile as any file, where you would want to log the debug messages. This will log a …
using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.
Found this great page and thought of sharing this: When using this, you will need to install : …
gqlplus – sqlplus with readline (tab completion)
Tab completion is something which is missing in the sqlplus and if you have lot of tables with long names or lot of columns then it is sufficiently difficult to type them 🙂 Here is a solution for this …
colorgcc – Color your compiler output on Fedora
Lets start with installing colorgcc : sudo yum install colorgcc Now once that is done, you will need to ensure that the call to g++, gcc and others that you want to use, you will need to create a link …
uptimed – keep track of your system uptime.
Uptimed is an up time record daemon keeping track of the highest up times the system ever had. Uptimed has the ability to inform you of records and milestones though syslog and e-mail, and comes with …
pigz -parallel gzip
Here is a short description of pigz: […] pigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores …