Operating Systems
nautilis fork ( File manager ) with tree view in sidebar.
Was searching for this for sometime now, finally found it. sudo yum install nemo sudo yum list nemo* First just install nemo. Configure nemo not to interfere with default desktop and also make it …

bash debug – log all executed commands
Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, …
findmnt – find all the mounts and their source
If you are looking for the source of a mount and the various options used in the mount, then the quickest way to get that is :: findmnt By default, with no parameters, it lists all the mounts in a …
Find directory/file with inode number
Couple of days back, I was getting the following error: […] Directory inode 2362521 has an unallocated block #245823. Allocate? […] And this continued for hours together and I was in a …
pkgwat -search packages for Fedora.
pkgwat is a nice utility to search the fedora packages websearch. Description : Pronounced "package WAT", pkgwat is a fast CLI tool for querying : the fedora packages webapp. : …
power save mode for battery in Fedora 19.
I was getting really bad battery life on my Fedora 19 system, and did not find much on how to tune it. Finally I found something that just does not need much configuration but works pretty well. So, …
conky transparent window on Fedora with Gnome.
On Fedora with Gnome-shell 3, its been long time that I was not able to get transparent window. So, finally I thought to spend some time to try to fix that. Finally got that fixed with all the …

Fedora – Ramdisk creation
In Fedora, ramdisks are not created by default as is the case with RHEL. So, if you need to get Ramdisks on Fedora, then you can do this: sudo yum install MAKEDEV This will create some default …
duff – find duplicate files.
duff – description: […] Description : Duff is a command-line utility for quickly finding d […] uplicates in a given set of files […] and now time to execute : find . -type f …
lightweight pdf viewer – zathura.
Zathura is a lightweight viewer for pdf which works on plugins. Here is shor description : […] Zathura is a highly configurable and functional PDF viewer based on the Poppler rendering library …
Ubuntu – Really force remove a package.
I was trying to remove a package on one of the Ubuntu installations the other day and was not able to do so. I tried google and tried all the options mentioned in various forums like “-f”, purge, …
using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.
Found this great page and thought of sharing this: http://www.sharms.org/blog/2012/08/using-iterm-2-themes-with-gnome-terminal/ When using this, you will need to install : …