Operating system
Check out all the colors on you X window system.
If you ever wondered what combination of some colors would look like but did not really feel like setting them in your xterm just to check them out. Or if you wanted to know about all the colors on …
glances – Get a glimpse of the whole system
You would have used top at some point of time. Did you not wish that instead of just the processes it list all the vital statistics of the system as a whole. How good it would be to see the Memory, …

Tora installation on Fedora 16 with rpm
Last article I talked about tora installation from the sources, but if that is too much for you then you can use this one liner: rpm -ivh "http://amit-agarwal.co.in/mystuff/tora-2.1.3-1.fc16.i686.rpm" …
tora on Fedora 16 for mysql and Oracle.
Sometime back I had posted a article on Tora on Fedora. But that was a while back and things have progressed and we already have Fedora 16 (aka Verne). So, awhile back I installed Tora on my Fedora 16 …
Color disk usage on Fedora
For this tip, you would need to setup the rpm-shere repository. You can get the information here. Once you have done that you need to install the cdu package with the following command: sudo yum …
Interesting repository for Fedora.
Here is one repository that you can add to your Fedora to give it a few more hundred packages:

conky script used to monitor server status remotely.
I was looking for something to monitor few details on the server. I thought about quite a lot of applications, some open source and some scripts developed in house. But my requirements were quite …
rpmorphan – deborphan for the rpm based distros.
<td> <div class="bash codecolorer"> <span class="kw2">sudo</span> <span class="kw2">yum install</span> rpmorphan …
quadkonsole – multiple consoles to make your life easier
First lets install quadkonsole: yum install quadkonsole Now, to launch the quadkonsole, just type quadkonsole in the run box (appears with Alt+F2). You will by default see 4 console windows in single …
Add ssh key to remote host
Image via Wikipedia […] If you are working on recent versions of the *nix OS like Fedora or Ubuntu then you would know about the commad ssh-copy-id. But if you land up using one of the older …
using `!#$’ to referance backward-word
Image by jeffalldridge via Flickr […] Here is something that I found on the commandlinefu cp /work/host/phone/ui/main.cpp !#$:s/host/target Ah well…its very interesting and very useful. Some …
Quickly install most of the things that you need on Fedora.