Operating system

steam on Linux – for Fedora
I was trying to get steam on linux on my Fedora box. Headed over to steam website, but was astonished to find only Ubuntu client over there. A little googling presented me with the developer website …
quick bash script for datewise backup of directory
I was working on something and the data was very critical and needed backup. I wrote a bash script to back up the data every 5 hours with cron and bash script. Thought I will share that with you. Here …

Allow incoming/outgoing ports on iptables
Last couple of years, I just used to disable iptables on my system, this time I decided not to disable it and keep it enabled. So far so good, now comes the tricky part, I have http server enabled on …
Shortcut to run current command with sudo in bash
For me, I mostly forget to add “sudo” to the command until the time I am actually supposed to run it. Also sometimes, on some systems, bash completion does not work as expected with “sudo”. With these …
gqlplus – sqlplus with readline (tab completion)
Tab completion is something which is missing in the sqlplus and if you have lot of tables with long names or lot of columns then it is sufficiently difficult to type them 🙂 Here is a solution for this …
Ubuntu setup – post installation script
If you have done a new installation of Ubuntu or Fedora, then yuou know you have to search all kind of blogs to find out what all to install. So, here is a easier way to do that. Just run this script, …
tora installation on Fedora 17.
Here are the previous links on Tora: Tora on F16 Tora on Fedora And if you are interested in installing from source then you can always use this link: …
rpmconf – Tool to handle rpmsave and rpmnew files
Install the utility: sudo yum install rpmconf Description: […] And finally run the utility: sudo rpmconf -a and if there is a conflict or rpmsave or rpmnew file, then you will see something …
Array of all possible colors in bash script
Sometime back, we had looked at using colors in bash script and here is a way to create a array of all the colors. #!/bin/bash - …
Display X applications from virtual terminals
Here is a script that can help you set the proper envirionment to start a gnome-shell from one of the terminals. #!/bin/bash - …
colors in bash scripts
I have been trying to understand the color codes for bash for a pretty long time, but somehow never got time to understand this clearly. So this time around when I was writing a script to analyze some …
systemadm – simpler way to manage the service files for systemd
Once the systemd unit and service files have come into being, understanding of the system services have changed a little bit and it might require some time to understand the cli tools for managing …