
Blogging from N900
Can´t get simpler than this. Just install the application called wordpress in your N900, and punch in the details for your blog along with your admin login and password and you have a amazing …
N900 and skype support
Image by Getty Images via @daylife […] I was trying to add my skype account on the N900 today and could not add the account. I did not find any option to add the same. After some googling and …
GPG error on N900 when doing update on command line
Image via Wikipedia […] If you have added some extra repositories to your Nokia N900 and are trying to do something ( like update, install or any other apt-get operation) you might see some …
Installing Bling Theme on N900
Image via Wikipedia […] There is a very nice theme for N900 and it is called Bling theme. There is a problem though with the theme, the theme still does not have a installable .deb file, and …
Deleting all mails in the N900 (Maemo 5) permanently
Well couple of days back, I checked the folder details of one of my accounts configured on the N900 (Maemo 5) and it was showing some 1000 or more emails, whereas I had only 4-5 emails in the Inbox so …
N900 starts showing junk characters
Well, sometime back I bought N900, some snaps here. And sooner than later I started playing with it. In an effort to reduce the disk usage for the “/” (root) partition, I removed some packages that …
My new Maemo 5 Nokia N900 Mobile.
Image via CrunchBase […] I have been thinking of buying the “N900” Nokia mobile for quite sometime but for certain reasons could not get my hands on this mobile so far. Finally couple of days …