Port php mysql scripts to php 7.0 from 5.x version
Recently I got a script or series of scripts that were written for PHP 5.6x and hence used mysql_connect which as you know by now does not work with PHP 7.0. Since there were number of scripts, I …

bash debug – log all executed commands
Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, …
Monitor your system with sysusage.
First some information on sysusage: […] Description : SysUsage continuously monitor your systems informations and generate periodical graph reports using rrdtool or javascript jqplot library. …
phpmyadmin access problem and change server from URL
I was having issues with one of the phpmyadmin setups. The first server defined in the config file was not accessible and the theme that I was using was not allowing me to change the server from the …
Oracle Select the top 5 queries
Here are one sql script that I found some time back. This will be listing the top 5 SQL queries in Oracle.
BASH Script Performace
Today we will look at some bash code snippests and the performance issues. Lets first look at the problem and the implemented solution: Problem: We needed to log the output of the ps command for all …
Backup of files in the directory.
I was working on some scripts and the changes that I was making in the scripts was very dynamic, which I did want to keep backing up in the version control system. But for the peace of my mind, I …
mysql output to an array for easy parsing.
Today I was looking for some way to put the output of the mysql output in an array in a bash script. Quick google search yeilded to results something like this: […] <td> <div …
analyze debug queries output for wordpress
Some time back, my website became too slow and I started getting timeout response for quite a lot of my pages. When I analyzed things, I found the issue was with the DB queries taking a lot of time. …
MySQL tutorial and reference manual
The refence for the mysql could be found at <a class="aligncenter" title="MySQL Help" href="http://" …
Using PHP to search a MySQL database and return paged results
<a href=";c_id=25">Using PHP to search a MySQL database and return paged results Link above to the article. I am using this as base to …
find duplicate entry in a list in bash with sed
Here I will take an example of rss2email list, but I guess I will be able to pass on the concept. Here is example of the output of the r2e list command: […] 1: …