
script for changing gnome-terminal color schemes.
Earlier I had posted this. So, if you want to try all of these schemes, then you need not have to copy paste the schemes from the web page, you can try the below script. # function idleToes() { …
gnome-terminal color schemes.
I was looking for a way to set the terminal colors for gnome. There is a GUI way to change the same by going to the Preferences->Colors. And then you can change the colors that you see in the color …

procinfo and procinfo-ng : Get system information from /proc.
Install procinfo or procinfo-ng. The procinfo contains three programs : /usr/bin/lsdev /usr/bin/procinfo /usr/bin/socklist and procinfo-ng contains :: /usr/bin/procinfo-ng The description for both of …
Music players on Linux – the poor mans random song player.
If you have more applications running on your system then your system can handle them then you know what I mean when I say that the Music Players take a lot of CPU. Otherwise harmless, but when you …
Ubuntu setup – post installation script
If you have done a new installation of Ubuntu or Fedora, then yuou know you have to search all kind of blogs to find out what all to install. So, here is a easier way to do that. Just run this script, …
tora installation on Fedora 17.
Here are the previous links on Tora: Tora on F16 Tora on Fedora And if you are interested in installing from source then you can always use this link: …
unable to browse windows network with samba4
I use Fedora 17 on my work laptop and thus need to connect to windows share sometimes. After I upgraded to Fedora 17 some time, I was unable to browse the windows network. I would get all kind of …
Upgrade to Fedora 17 from 16.
As usual time in couple of days to upgrade to Fedora 17. Release schedule is for 05/22 and so its just around the corner. So, if you are looking at upgrading using yum, then make sure that you visit …
systemadm – simpler way to manage the service files for systemd
Once the systemd unit and service files have come into being, understanding of the system services have changed a little bit and it might require some time to understand the cli tools for managing …
uptimed – keep track of your system uptime.
Uptimed is an up time record daemon keeping track of the highest up times the system ever had. Uptimed has the ability to inform you of records and milestones though syslog and e-mail, and comes with …

15 Linux Bash History Expansion Examples You Should Know
Here is a nice link on BASH History Expansion. There are lot of examples in this page and some of them might be quite useful. But here are my list of favourites: !! This is probably the most used one …
Check out all the colors on you X window system.
If you ever wondered what combination of some colors would look like but did not really feel like setting them in your xterm just to check them out. Or if you wanted to know about all the colors on …