pkgwat -search packages for Fedora.
pkgwat is a nice utility to search the fedora packages websearch. Description : Pronounced "package WAT", pkgwat is a fast CLI tool for querying : the fedora packages webapp. : …
power save mode for battery in Fedora 19.
I was getting really bad battery life on my Fedora 19 system, and did not find much on how to tune it. Finally I found something that just does not need much configuration but works pretty well. So, …

Fedora – Ramdisk creation
In Fedora, ramdisks are not created by default as is the case with RHEL. So, if you need to get Ramdisks on Fedora, then you can do this: sudo yum install MAKEDEV This will create some default …
Manage your servers the easy way with perl script over ssh with no remote client.
For a long time I have not posted any script. So, its not that I have not written anything new, but just that did not put them here in lack of time. So, here is one interesting one. The original idea …
cksum – compare for multiple files.
If you have to compare cksum for couple of files, the you know how cumbersome it is. So, I wrote a simple script, wherein you can create a file called cksums in the current directory and copy paste …
configure firewall – the easy way.
It is good practice to keep iptables/firewall enabled. But configuring it is difficult, do you agree. Not any more 🙂 Install firewall-config sudo yum install firewall-config This will install a GUI …
ss – anothre utility to investigate sockets.
ss is : […] ss is used to dump socket statistics. It allows showing information similar to netstat. It can display more TCP and state informationsthan other tools. […] This comes in …

steam on Linux – for Fedora
I was trying to get steam on linux on my Fedora box. Headed over to steam website, but was astonished to find only Ubuntu client over there. A little googling presented me with the developer website …

Allow incoming/outgoing ports on iptables
Last couple of years, I just used to disable iptables on my system, this time I decided not to disable it and keep it enabled. So far so good, now comes the tricky part, I have http server enabled on …

Xnest – XDMCP protocol and virtual DM
XDMCP is protocol that allows remote connections and provides you with a working Display Manager like KDE, GNome, et al. Its a remote connection protocol that is mostly enabled on Solaris and disabled …
Ubuntu – Really force remove a package.
I was trying to remove a package on one of the Ubuntu installations the other day and was not able to do so. I tried google and tried all the options mentioned in various forums like “-f”, purge, …
using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.
Found this great page and thought of sharing this: When using this, you will need to install : …