
Browser and OS stats on my blog


I have been thinking of posting this for some time, but here are some stats from my <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/website" title="Website" rel="wikipedia" …

Remove Invalid characters in Filename.


Sometimes I end up having some invalid characters in filename like ? & and so on. So simple bash script to get rid of them: for i in `find . -type f` do echo $i mv $i `echo $i |tr ? _|tr = _ |tr …

Sendmail host map failure issue with sendmail.


I was having this issue for long time with sendmail and not getting time to fix this. Finally today I found the solution. <span style="font-weight: …

Finding all the executables/binary in Linux rpm based distro.


I have been thinking about this for quite sometime now, how to find all the executables on the linux system. One of the way is to do a &#8221;ls&#8221; on all the directories in the PATH …

Fedora 12 demonstrates sandbox for desktop applications


<a href="">Bookmark this category Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) specialist and Red Hat developer Dan Walsh has souped up the security …

Some Rather Old But Still Funny Anti-UNIX Jokes (One Liners)


<a href=""><img src="" …

Nifty Things to Do with GIMP


Nifty Things to Do with GIMP Some of us are probably addicted to capturing moments in pictures. I can understand why. It’s one of those things that help us go back to the good old days, so to speak. …

query and downgrade selected packages based on version or repository


If you have worked on rpm based distro then you know how difficult it is to downgrade packages. And unluckily I upgraded some packages to fc12 and was still on FC11. Completely my mistake while doing …

EncFS – Simple article to use Encrypted filesystem in Linux


A nice article here EncFS is an easy-to-use, command-line tool for storing information in encrypted form. It’s not really a file-system, but it pretends to be one at the CLI. If you’ve been searching …

Initialization or clearing of log files


Like all Unix file systems, open log files can cause a real problem when they get too large and need to be deleted. The problem is, if you delete an open file, the link is removed, but all of the …

7 Examples for Sed Hold and Pattern Buffer Operations


<a href=""><img id="kwiclick-temp-0" title="txt e-book" …

Change information for the user on Linux machine.


Today I have couple of hours to spare and thus thought might as well spend it on my blog. The finger command in *nix systems is used to display the information on the users. This information is taken …

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