
String and Array Creation


<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the fourth part of a …

Upgrade to Fedora 13 from your existing version using yum.


Well. this time it seems to be very simple : […] yum –releasever=13 upgrade […] update 22/April/2010: The key file will not be there so there are two options for you in this case: …

Liquid rescale and remove objects from the images.


Ever wanted to remove some unwanted object from an image. Wonder how many thinkgs you have to do, clone and delete and what not:) There is a simpler way, just paint it in foreground color. Does that …

Linux Advocacy and cool things to do with Linux.


I have heard a lot of Linux advocacy and read probably a couple of artilcles also on them but they lack one thing : the end user perspective. Linux is great no doubt, but there are far too many things …

recursively add directory and files to cvs from Linux.


Go to the directory which you want to add to cvs and execute the following: […] cvs login find . -type d -exec cvs add {} \; find . -type f -exec cvs add {} \; cvs commit […] That was …

Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial – A Beginner\’s handbook


<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/unix_shell" title="Unix shell" rel="wikipedia" href="">Linux Shell Scripting …

Another nice utility for blogging from within firefox.


Scribfire is another nice utility for blogging withing firefox. Nice features and quick and easy to configure and use ..

Advanced Sed Substitution Examples


This article is part of the on-going Unix Sed Tips and Tricks series. In our previous sed articles we learned — sed printing, sed deletion, sed substitute , sed file write, and sed multiple commands. …

Linux Links — collection of universe.. all links on everything about linux


<a href="">LoLL is a sourceforge project which maintains a well commented and categorized list of links on linux. This is a very nice list and …

Bugzilla Automation with perl — add, update or query any bug in Bugzilla using perl and www series modules for perl.


Today I was trying to do some queries and see if I could create a new bug or update a existing bug in the Bugzilla. The one that I was trying to access was on version 2.0 and not on 3.0. This being …

bash script to change vim colorscheme based on the available themes


Here&#8217;s one script that you may find useful. A little variation or wrapper for this script can make your life colorful 🙂 You can write a wrapper to this to take one of the inputs randomly and …

wine-doors – door to wine with applications like photoshop and lots of windows games.


wine is the project to natively support the Windows application on the Linux platform. But people who have tried to use it know that there are lot of dependencies on the Windows programs which cannot …

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