
cd across parallel directories
Image via Wikipedia […] Here is a simple and fast way to cd across parallel directory.

Empty a file
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …
cURL – Tutorial
Here are linkw to two nice tutorials on curl and how to use curl to login before we try to fetch a page. Hope you find them useful. …
15 (More) Awesome Conky Configurations
15 (More) Awesome <a class="zem_slink" title="Conky (software)" rel="homepage" href="">Conky Configurations You may have …
Over 50 Free, Must-Have Open Source Resources
OStatic: ”n this post, you’ll find an updated set of more than 45 collections and resources. Hopefully, you’ll find something to learn from here, and the good news is …
need help on deciding the ISP to host my website.
My <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/internet_hosting_service" title="Internet hosting service" rel="wikipedia" …
Using tput to save, clear and restore the terminal contents
Using tput to save, clear and restore the terminal contents $ tput smcup; echo ”Doing some things…”; sleep 2; tput rmcup Very useful for interactive scripts where you would like to …
List of commands you use most often
$ history | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/awk" title="AWK" rel="homepage" href="">awk …
Lock the hardware eject button of the cdrom
$ eject -i 1 This command will lock the hardware eject button of your cdrom drive. Some uses are: 1: If you have a toddler and has discovered the cdrom button 2: If you are carrying a laptop in a bag …
Convert decimal numbers to binary
There is a calculator called bc that works in the command line. So if you need a quick calculator function in the command line then you could write some functions that will do the trcik for you. Here …
How To Build A Self-hosted WordPress Blog For Free
A blog is a layman-friendly variation of a website, and having a blog is one of the many ways to state your presence in the virtual world. While there are many hassle-free blog services out there that …