Hard disk drive
check hard disk rpm or rotation speed
Lot of times you want to check the disk rpm, especially on the servers to check if it is 7.2K or 10K or 15K rpm disk. How do you do this from linux terminal. Here it is : sginfo -g /dev/<device> …

Speed Up Firefox by Moving Your Cache to RAM
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …
Are you swapped? Increase the performance of Linux machine.
With the ever increasing cost of the Hardware, the amount of physical RAM available on the system is increasing day by day. For example, couple of years back, I had a system which was very high end …
Configuration of my home desktop - updated
Here is the list of components of my Desktop : <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/nvidia" title="Nvidia" rel="geolocation" …