get all the urls in html file (local or on server).
To use this, you will need the lynx tool, so install that first. sudo yum install lynx Now, to get list of all the URLs in local html file or some URL, just execute this: lynx -dump -listonly Related …
power save mode for battery in Fedora 19.
I was getting really bad battery life on my Fedora 19 system, and did not find much on how to tune it. Finally I found something that just does not need much configuration but works pretty well. So, …
Ubuntu – Really force remove a package.
I was trying to remove a package on one of the Ubuntu installations the other day and was not able to do so. I tried google and tried all the options mentioned in various forums like “-f”, purge, …
pdfjs – html5+javascript based pdf viewer for Firefox.
Firefox 15 has arrived and there is lot to brag about. Since there are already many blogs on this, so just giving you a link to one of those. But what is most interesting is the integration of PDF.js. …
uptimed – keep track of your system uptime.
Uptimed is an up time record daemon keeping track of the highest up times the system ever had. Uptimed has the ability to inform you of records and milestones though syslog and e-mail, and comes with …
pigz -parallel gzip
Here is a short description of pigz: […] pigz, which stands for parallel implementation of gzip, is a fully functional replacement for gzip that exploits multiple processors and multiple cores …

Blogging from N900
Can´t get simpler than this. Just install the application called wordpress in your N900, and punch in the details for your blog along with your admin login and password and you have a amazing …
some interesting alias
For this time, I will just give you a link to to bashrc file. Head over there and see some very interesting aliase’s.
bash completion
I was working on some functions in bash to make my life easier and realized that if I added custom completion to my functions, it will be really good. So I headed over to google and searched for what …
Need Google+ invitaion.. leave a comment here.
I just got mine, if you need a google plus invitation leave your email id in comments 🙂
Google+ – way to go for experinmenting.
Finally I got a invitations and was able to get into the Google+ today. Having been trying to do this for last couple of days, was quite anxious on how it is and how it fairs against Facebook and …
Another nice and feature rich alternative to Google Search
Image via CrunchBase […] Some time back I had written a post on Scroogle. Scroogle is good, it provides privacy. But if you want more for your browsing experience, something that you thought …