
Manually remove all the duplicate bookmarks in Firefox


Image by Getty Images via @daylife […] I was trying to install the duplicate Bookmark remover for the Firefox but for some reasons, was not able to install it. That apart, the point is that I …

Need Google+ invitaion.. leave a comment here.


 I just got mine, if you need a google plus invitation leave your email id in comments 🙂

Google+ – way to go for experinmenting.


Finally I got a invitations and was able to get into the Google+ today. Having been trying to do this for last couple of days, was quite anxious on how it is and how it fairs against Facebook and …

Total upload and download on any interface.


Something that I have been searching for a long time, finally some look inside the <a class=“zem_slink” title=“Procfs” rel=“wikipedia” …

Corruption, India and Social Activist


First off, sorry for being completely off beat this time but I could not help but write on this. Everyone in the world by now would have definitely heard about the Indian’s Fight against corruption. …

Firesheep addon allows the clueless to hack Facebook, Twitter over Wi-Fi


Firesheep addon allows the clueless to hack Facebook, Twitter over Wi-Fi If you thought hijacking a user’s social media session was only done by skilled hackers, now the Firesheep addon can allow even …

Performance issues resolved with my blog.


For last 2-3 weeks there were quite a lot of performance issues with my website. I was looking at the same but could not get enough time to have all of them resolved together. Finally I have spent …

web page error\’d – Name cannot be less that 5 characters :)


If you have noticed, I have put a new <a class="zem_slink" title="Toolbar" rel="wikipedia" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toolbar">tool-bar in the …

powertwitter for firefox- twitter with new look


<a title="Power Twitter" href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9591" target="_blank">Power Twitter is a addon for firefox that gives twitter a new …

Blog once and educate 40,000 underprivileged children of India


Here&#8217;s one of the mail that I received from the IndiBlogger team. <span style="font-size: x-small;">Dear <a class="zem_slink" title="Amit Agarwal" …

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