bash ansi codes to html for html reports from shell script
How many times you have felt that there was some simple way to convert bash ansi escape sequences ( colors as well in terminal ) to html equivalent so that you can send the same as html report in …
sysreporter on Fedora – basic system report in email
From the packages github page: […] SysReporter (System Reporter) is a bash script that runs and aggregates a set of reports about its host system. The report can then be emailed to the system …
geary mail – gnome mail client
A new mail client is coming in town. Gnome is working on new mail client called geary. Currently only supports imap accounts. Description: […] Geary is a new email reader for GNOME designed to …

ssmtp configuration and installation – raspberry pi.
To get your email working on your raspberry pi, First thing that you should probably do is to set up outgoing emails from your RPi. The easiest way to do so is with ssmtp. Install ssmtp: sudo apt-get …
sendmail or sending mail
If you want to use sendmail so that you can send all your mails from the local system to your email address, then you have to use sendmail. Now, configuring sendmail has never been that easy and if …
Adding a sub-menu in the wordpress admin menu :)
For the impatient ones, first the code: (in wp-admin folder, open the file menu.php) and locate the code: […] $submenu[’edit.php’][10] = array( _x(’Add …
email with templates (with variables) from the command line with sendmail or any other MTA.
I was trying to get templates to work on evolution and found that although templates are there in evolution mail client, its not that efficient to use. What I thus wanted was to have something that …
Checking the links to your site (from affiliates) using cron and bash script.
If you have some affiliate links and are concerned about their presence then you can setup <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f80000000045c9c5b" title="Cron" …
Transfer all the google feed URLs to rss2email.
Next step in restoring my settings was to get the working rules and all the blogs into rss2email. I have subscribed to more than 150 blogs. So, adding all of them manually was difficult. For a time …
Email web statistics from the hosted website using awstats page.
I want to see the stats for my websites mailed to me directly like Google analytics does. Sure enough I can see them on the hosting cpanel page on awstats, but I dont want to check that everyday. An …
Simple rss to email service for your feeds on Linux with your/ISP server.
I like couple of blogs and feeds but the problem is that I keep forgetting to run the rss reader and would rather like to have the rss article’s emailed to me at regular intervals so that I …