Desktop environment
nautilis fork ( File manager ) with tree view in sidebar.
Was searching for this for sometime now, finally found it. sudo yum install nemo sudo yum list nemo* First just install nemo. Configure nemo not to interfere with default desktop and also make it …
using iTerm color schmes with gnome-terminal.
Found this great page and thought of sharing this: When using this, you will need to install : …

script for changing gnome-terminal color schemes.
Earlier I had posted this. So, if you want to try all of these schemes, then you need not have to copy paste the schemes from the web page, you can try the below script. # function idleToes() { …
gnome-terminal color schemes.
I was looking for a way to set the terminal colors for gnome. There is a GUI way to change the same by going to the Preferences->Colors. And then you can change the colors that you see in the color …
Display X applications from virtual terminals
Here is a script that can help you set the proper envirionment to start a gnome-shell from one of the terminals. #!/bin/bash - …
Set gnome-shell to start in fallback mode without GUI.
If you run into issues with gnome-shell then gnome-shell should allow you to disable all the plugins and get the gnome-shell. But since gnome-shell is still evolving, you might run into issue where …
Fedora 16 screenshot with conky and bmpaenl2
For all those who used to keep complaining about the bottom panel of Gnome which used to show a list of windows, you can get it back with bmpanel2 (there are lot of other options too, but this one is …
Screenshot of Gnome3 with awn
Here is another screenshot of my laptop desktop with Gnome 3 and AWN (Avant window Navigator) running. Looks beautiful, isn’t it? […]
Gnome 3 screenshot with conky dock
Just to give you a idea of how beautiful it looks, here’s a screenshot 🙂
Gnome 3 shell themes
Image by grantc via Flickr […] If you are using gnome-shell and are bored with the same default theme then read on…. 🙂 By default changing the default theme requires that you modify the files …
Gnome Tips
Add/Edit GDM Sessions Each session is a *.desktop file located at /usr/share/xsessions. […] You can change background image, gtk/icon theme by hands (as described at …
vino – connect to running GNome session like RDP
One thing that all of us Linux users have probably missed is connecting to the running GNome session to see what is going on in the running session. This can be quite handy in couple of situations: …