Compact Disc
Ubuntu – Really force remove a package.
I was trying to remove a package on one of the Ubuntu installations the other day and was not able to do so. I tried google and tried all the options mentioned in various forums like “-f”, purge, …

cd across parallel directories
Image via Wikipedia […] Here is a simple and fast way to cd across parallel directory.
Speed up mkat with no md5sum for the files.
mkat details: […] mkat is a set of <a class="zem_slink" title="Command-line interface" rel="wikipedia" …
[Movie Review]RANN- predictable from Puttu
IdealisticHarshvardhan mallik(<span style="font-size: medium;"> <span style="color: #ff420e;">B) and his son Jay(<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/sudeep" …