amit agarwal
Convert string to hex.
If you want to use snoop or tcpdump with advanced search in the packet, then you would need to convert the string to hex string. For this, either you can use a web search and find some web application …

Tora installation on Fedora 16 with rpm
Last article I talked about tora installation from the sources, but if that is too much for you then you can use this one liner: rpm -ivh "" …
tora on Fedora 16 for mysql and Oracle.
Sometime back I had posted a article on Tora on Fedora. But that was a while back and things have progressed and we already have Fedora 16 (aka Verne). So, awhile back I installed Tora on my Fedora 16 …
Color disk usage on Fedora
For this tip, you would need to setup the rpm-shere repository. You can get the information here. Once you have done that you need to install the cdu package with the following command: sudo yum …
Benchmarking the system/CPU performance
Have you ever wanted to have a quick check on your CPU performance. I know that lot of people will say that this is not the right way to do this, but here is something that you can use to check the …

conky script used to monitor server status remotely.
I was looking for something to monitor few details on the server. I thought about quite a lot of applications, some open source and some scripts developed in house. But my requirements were quite …
Backup of files in the directory.
I was working on some scripts and the changes that I was making in the scripts was very dynamic, which I did want to keep backing up in the version control system. But for the peace of my mind, I …
Linux hardware details.
Here is one of the scripts that I found on the net while searching for something … Note the URL for the script in the Description.
Add ssh key to remote host
Image via Wikipedia […] If you are working on recent versions of the *nix OS like Fedora or Ubuntu then you would know about the commad ssh-copy-id. But if you land up using one of the older …
Creating a chroot environment – the script.
Here is the script, very simple and effective 🙂 #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: # # USAGE: ./ # # …
Faster blog with stats removed
I was thinking of removing the statpress plugin for quite some time now, but did not have a good alternative. Today finally I managed to do this as I had few hours to spare. Now that this is done, you …
Try all colors in xterm with script before setting the color
If you are looking for testing the colors on how they would look like in the xterm before you set the color then here is a small script for you. […] <td> <div class="text …