amit agarwal
search for a port number
I find myself doing google everytime I want to search for port number mapping. So, here is a short script to do just that 🙂
Check all vim colorschemes for minor issues
Here is script that checks all the colorschemes in the current directory and corrects them if possible (Processing of the file is done with simple commands like sed, grep) Checks that the color_name …
Home grown mail scheduler with bash script and cron
If you are using Linux (Fedora/Ubuntu or anything else) then you do get a lot of tools and one of them is cron. Very very useful. Just write some script that can do the task for you, put it in cron …
Delete all but some directories
I think, like me, you would have faced a lot of situations, where you wanted to delete all the files or directories in a location, leaving only the required files/directories. So, I have a directory …
Manage your servers the easy way with perl script over ssh with no remote client.
For a long time I have not posted any script. So, its not that I have not written anything new, but just that did not put them here in lack of time. So, here is one interesting one. The original idea …
Disable a few cores when you want to save power.
If you have a lot of CPU power and working on battery. If you do not need that much of power and would like to rather save some battery power by disabling some cpus then you can use the below script. …
quick bash script for datewise backup of directory
I was working on something and the data was very critical and needed backup. I wrote a bash script to back up the data every 5 hours with cron and bash script. Thought I will share that with you. Here …

C program to get the ascii string from a string
Lot of times, you would like to get the complete string in hex or ascii format and if you are one of them then this is something that will be helpful for you 🙂 Example output: […] …
Ubuntu setup – post installation script
If you have done a new installation of Ubuntu or Fedora, then yuou know you have to search all kind of blogs to find out what all to install. So, here is a easier way to do that. Just run this script, …
Array of all possible colors in bash script
Sometime back, we had looked at using colors in bash script and here is a way to create a array of all the colors. #!/bin/bash - …
Display X applications from virtual terminals
Here is a script that can help you set the proper envirionment to start a gnome-shell from one of the terminals. #!/bin/bash - …
colors in bash scripts
I have been trying to understand the color codes for bash for a pretty long time, but somehow never got time to understand this clearly. So this time around when I was writing a script to analyze some …