Quick screen sharing and meeting without any software
Wanted to share this as this seems to be good option: https://meet.jit.si/
Add ova file as VM on Linux with libvirt (Qemu)
Although the commands are very simple and just 2-3 steps but I keep forgetting them and hence wrote the following script: The script takes input as “ova” filename and then creates the qcow2 image and …
Battery life on laptops
To improve your laptop battery life, just do the following:
Better windows VM experience on Qemu
With Qemu resize and copy-paste option, Windows VM seems to be lacking all this. This can be fixed by installing the spice tools in Windows VM. To do this, head over to spice space and download the …
send mail using telnet from script
If you have no other option but to use telnet with authentication to send mail 🙂
Trunk-based Development vs. Git Flow
In order to develop quality software, we need to be able to track all changes and reverse them if necessary. Version control systems fill that role by tracking project history and helping to merge …
asciinema – video for your terminal session
Info about asciinema: […] To install, you can do: dnf install asciinema and here is and example: Asciinema test video Hope you find it useful if you have to show someone how to do something. …
remind – set and manager reminders the easy way
remind – is a calendar and alarm program. Its simple to use from CLI. To install: dnf install remind and some details about it:
Seven Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Hiring a Freelance AngularJS Specialist
Hiring a freelancer for Angular jobs can be a scary undertaking, especially when filling a hole in your team’s existing skill set. Whether you’re hiring a freelancer to take ownership of an existing …
search for a port number
I find myself doing google everytime I want to search for port number mapping. So, here is a short script to do just that 🙂
A Guide to Process-oriented Programming in Elixir and OTP
People like to categorize programming languages into paradigms. There are object-oriented (OO) languages, imperative languages, functional languages, etc. This can be helpful in figuring out which …
On the way