stop indentation on current file in vim to keep the indentation from copied text.
I have been looking for this for quite some time. Finally found two easy ways to do it: […] :setlocal noautoindent :setlocal nocindent :setlocal nosmartindent :setlocal indentexpr= […] …
wordpress upgraded to latest 2.8.5
Living on the edge and updating regularly is something I hope everyone likes. So I too did the same and upgraded my wordpress to 2.8.5 as soon as I saw the upgrade notice.
Happy Diwali Wishes
Wish all my readers, Happy Diwali. <a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-1329" …
RPMFusion release for YUM.
For people who have used yum on Fedora, you must have seen that couple of packages that you require are on Livna and couple of them on DAG and some others on FreshRPMs and Dribble. And for those of …
10 Websites to Compare Google vs Bing Results Side By Side
10 Websites to Compare Google vs Bing Results Side By Side Thankfully, the web doesn’t make us take sides. We can have the best of every world. With the launch of Bing, we had another search engine to …
Fastfollowers for Twitter users.
<a href=" ">Visit here. **This is a site to increase your followers in twitter. Good way to go. **
Twitter is overcapacity.
Just now got this on twitter. Nice image to display when overcapacity. <a href=""><img …
Adding dates to your photos.
#!/usr/bin/perl if ($#ARGV < 0 ) { print ”$#ARGV \n”; print ”Usage $ARGV[0] filename/dir\n”; exit -1; } @files = `find ”$ARGV[0]” -iname …
Stop long commands wrapping around and over-writing itself in the Bash shell
Stop long commands wrapping around and over-writing itself in the Bash shell […] shopt -s checkwinsize […] add the command either in /etc/profile or ~/.bash_profile so that this is …
Diwali lighiying with cheap ping-pong balls.
If you need some cheap and novel ambient lighting for your next party, you’re only a box of ping-pong balls and a string of lights away from solving your lighting worries. Instructables user …
Using column to format a directory listing
<span style="color: #000000;">Using column to format a directory listing <span style="color: #000000;">$ (printf "PERMISSIONS LINKS OWNER GROUP SIZE MONTH DAY …
On screen display of a command
<a href="">Bookmark this category delay: 2d On screen display of a command. $ date|osd_cat This is very useful if you need to show someone …