Photo Resizing


for i in * do mogrify $i -resize 640×480 i done

Get your external IP address


$ echo -e "GET /automation/n09230945.asp HTTP/1.0rnHost: whatismyip.comrn" | nc 80 | tail -n1 […] <a href=""><img …

Citibank Doesn\’t Want Your Business, Linux Users


This is an article from the Citibank customers in US. The Consumerist: &#8221;Citibank won&#8217;t let customers using Linux computers log in to their online accounts. Adam argues that in 2009 …

what is my user agent


Wonder what your browser is sending to all the websites that you visit. Check out at <a href="">

Using autologin for ftp sessions.


A simple example of the .netrc file. Keep this file in your homedir and then chmod to 600. […] machine skyware login raj password ******** macdef init ls -lRt […] macdef hello bye

cups web interface.


Today I found an interesting piece of information. I was trying to debug a problem with the cups service and found that cups offers a web administration.brbrThe server is running at port 631. So point …

Metasploit Project Sold To Rapid7


[ad] ancientribe writes &#8221;The wildly popular, open-source Metasploit penetration testing tool project has been sold to Rapid7, a vulnerability management vendor, paving the way for a …

Fedora 11 delayed by one more week.


Not new to Fedora schedules, I guess. Has happened in past and happened again, Fedora release is slipped second time to 2009-06-09

Vi/VIM and Unix/Linux cheatsheets.


I found quite a lot of good information today morning. Some really good info on vi/vim. I liked the this one:&#8221;Also, you don&#8217;t have to use the / command as a separator. Anything …

raj77in on Google – I am the only one on the first page.


Guess what, I did a search on Goggle for raj77in and I am the only one on the first page (10 results), did not go to the next pages. WOW I must be impressed with myself and with Google. Here is the …

First traceback


<a href="">Binny V A recently quoted my blog in this posting. Since this is the first …

rebuild rpm from installed rpm with rpmrebuild


Ever happened to you that you downloaded and installed a rpm and then deleted the package? If your answer is yes, then there is a solution. Come to the fairyland of rpmrebuild. Create the rpm from the …

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