Multiple search in vim
I was looking at a log file and needed to highlight multiple search items to make the logs more readable. I got into multiple threads suggesting various cryptic vim commands but I was in no mood to …
<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the third part of a …
bash colors
For those of the terminal freaks, color is a bliss. But have you tried all the colors in the terminal. Today someone forwarded me a bash one liner for the same. Not sure where he got this from, anyway …
chatting with your friends when all chat sites are blocked.
You can use, <a href=""> I just installed it to keep my self connected with the other friends of mine. Does not store the data for …
No sound on Fedora 11 Leonidas – resolved.
I have been trying to get the sound working on the F11 install that I had. Searched all the sites and blogs I could find. Nothing seemed to be working. Finally I did a […] alsactl init …
Access the disk image created by Qemu using guestfish in Fedora.
If you are used to using Qemu for doing some experiments with different distro’s then you would also understand the problem of having to do ftp/ssh to copy the files from virtual machine to …
5 Good Image Search Engines Apart From Google Image Search
Even if you are using Deeperweb for firefox, sometimes google isn’t just getting you to the right page and picture. You start hunting for more picture search engines, so here’s the …
Google wave invite, get one for yourself.
<img src="" alt="" width="500" align="bottom" />Earlier this week, Wave …
How a live distro can save you.
Some time back I wrote about <a href="" target="_blank">how to use a live distro without CD or VM. Today that experiment saved my …
Introducing Amit Agarwal\’s Photography Site.
It it immense pleasure to announce to you the arrival of <a href=""> Right now I am nurturing the idea of having this site dedicated to …
Linux xdg-open — replacement for start in windows
if you want to open any document with the default document handler from the bash prompt or command prompt in linux then the simplest way to do that is use ”xdg-open”. This can also …
Using nullglob and dotglob in bash scripts.
<a href="">Use BASH nullglob To Verify *.c Files Exists or Not In a Directory has a nice explanation on …