ranger – try terminal file manager
ranger is a terminal file manager, just install and run and have some fun. Tip: You might want to try it on uxrvt terminal and in Photos folder once.
glances – new way to look at contention
glances is like top/htop but little different. It shows you sort based on contention (smartly and automatically) unless you change that and hence if you just want to check what is biggest bottleneck …
Python Class Attributes: An Overly Thorough Guide
This article is originally published at Toptal. I had a programming interview recently, a phone-screen in which we used a collaborative text editor. I was asked to implement a certain API, and chose …
Rails Service Objects: A Comprehensive Guide
This post was written by Amin Shah Gilani, Ruby Developer for Toptal. Ruby on Rails ships with everything you need to prototype your application quickly, but when your codebase starts growing, you’ll …
Display IP address in console login screen
Here is one liner that will add the current IP address in the console login screen (if you are not running X as is case for servers): (ip -o -4 a| awk '$2 !="lo" {print "\nIP Address ::"$4}' |tr '\n' …
Port php mysql scripts to php 7.0 from 5.x version
Recently I got a script or series of scripts that were written for PHP 5.6x and hence used mysql_connect which as you know by now does not work with PHP 7.0. Since there were number of scripts, I …
Linked clone with qemu-img
As you would have seen in Virtualbox or vmware, there is option to create a linked clone. I wanted to use the same feature as “Snapshot” feature anyway does not look/work so great with virt-manager. …
Monitor progress of coreutils commad like mv, cp etc
Monitor progress of coreutils commad like mv, cp etc You can use command called “progress”. Other option is “pv” but that is little complicated so here is simpler option. […] Progress – A …
vagrant box to libvirtd (QEMU) VM
Like ova images, you can use box images as well with Qemu. After all, both have the disk images, so here is the script to do that. Just put the script somewhere in your path and run with ova or box …
mv command with progress
When moving large files/directories, I would like to see the progress. Idea for this is to use rsync with progress and remove source files. But that option does not remove the empty directories left …
Highest disk usage of directory in subdirectories
I find myself doing this lot of times so thought will share this with you all. Basically, once I want to clear out the directory, I first want to find out the sub-directory using the maximum disk …
Send history of current host to some other host over ssh
Sometimes I want to save the history of current host on another host. This is to ensure that I can use copy/paste on other host to run the commands. To this, I found a simple solution – history| ssh …