Blog once and educate 40,000 underprivileged children of India
Here’s one of the mail that I received from the IndiBlogger team. <span style="font-size: x-small;">Dear <a class="zem_slink" title="Amit Agarwal" …
Useful link for grep
<a href="">
Example output for
Viewing log files without using vi or any other text editor
This is quite useful for viewing files without opening them.. Saves quite a lot of time in viewing the logs 🙂 Want to see the first 5 lines of the /etc/passwd file? Pretty easy, just use the …
View information on all the rpms installed.
This post if applicable to all the distro’s which are based on rpm. If you look at the number of rpms installed on your system, you will see it somewhere around 500-2000. Noe thats a pretty …
using mypaint of linux continued.
Some more screenshots here: <a href=""><img …
Browser and OS stats on my blog
I have been thinking of posting this for some time, but here are some stats from my <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/website" title="Website" rel="wikipedia" …
Speed up gnome and change widow manager for gnome.
I have been planning to do this for quite some time now. So finally I did this today. Actually I wanted to use some features of gnome like tracker and gnome-settings and quite a few other things along …
GoOo released new version of Open Office.
GoOo repository for Fedora at has released the new version of GoOo packages.
Send mail to yourself and read in your favourite client and configure the rules to move to directory.
By default when you send a mail using sendmail, the mail goes to the default directory. What I wanted to do was, use rss2email, to send the mails and then sort them in different folders depending on …
Remove Invalid characters in Filename.
Sometimes I end up having some invalid characters in filename like ? & and so on. So simple bash script to get rid of them: for i in `find . -type f` do echo $i mv $i `echo $i |tr ? _|tr = _ |tr …
change the terminal title dynamically in X11
I was actually looking for this for quite sometime. Some years back in my bashrc was the proper setting for setting the terminal title when I did a cd, and I had completely forgotten how to do it. So …