Color output from ls – based on file type
Threre are certain default variables which control the color of the output from the ls command, so we will talk about them today. The first one is to get the color output from the …
Crossfire game server.. free connection.
I have setup a Free to use Crossfire game server. If you want to play the game, you can connect to For playing the game you would need the client to connect to it which you can …
Setting the title of PuTTY window.
Setting the title for PuTTY window is quite a simple trick. The trick is to set the PS1 with a escape sequence. When the PS1 is set with the escape sequence the variable will set the title window …
Teddy on Desktop just for fun.
People often complain that Linux users are mostly geeks. Does that seem to be true if you have a package that is just to display a teddy in the desktop. True, its completely true that Fedora has a …
Bash styling(themeing), the stylist way.
For last couple of days, I have been looking for solutions to make stlying my bash easier. So, first a screenshot of the effort: <img class="size-full wp-image-703" title="bash …
Wallpaper designed by me with GIMP.
Here’s the wallpaper, did not spend much time but I think this came out quite good. <a href=""><img …
Gentoo, Knoppix and Linux Console Screenshots
Finally I decided to try a few distro’s that I downloaded with Beldi. […] <a href=""><img …
Installing Sofware on Linux, easier and finding alternates.
There are already some great blogs on this, why write another one. Let me just point you to the best one <a …
Last access time for file
The C program will print the last access time for the file. This is quite helpfull program when you want to find old files. Modifying the source to take the filename as argument and take multiple …
Built-in lists in vim
<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/vimscript" title="Vimscript" rel="wikipedia" href="">Vimscript provides excellent …
Understand Awk Variables with 3 Practical Examples
<a id="aptureLink_gQhJKQ92Kn" style="padding: 0px 6px; float: left;" href=""><img style="border: 0px …
Quickly search and replace string with Regular expression in multiple files using perl
for i in *; do perl -p -w -e ’s/a(.*)b.*/d$1e/g’ $i > temp/$i; done for i in *; do perl -pi -w -e ’s/a(.*)b.*/d$1e/g’ $i ; done […] The first one can …