Add a image to the list of background files in gnome


In Gnome, when you right click on the desktop background you will get a menu for ”Change Desktop backgound. The images displayed in this menu are quite a few but if you want to add your own …

unbound variable – bash completion not working and having issues with other stuff like command not found.


I generally use vi/vim for all my practical purposes of working with text files. And I have all the vi/vim plugins required to work with the files. This causes the following to be in the skeleton for …

Just days wait to a great operating system.


Was thinking about writing this for some time now.. but guess someone already did that <a href="" …

More windows Microsoft like openoffice and keet it working.


Some people say that <a href="" target="_blank">OpenOffice doesn&#8217;t completely suit their requirement as compared to the Microsoft Office. …

Useless Linux Terminal Commands


Useless Linux Terminal Commands Not long ago, I have listed here some useful Linux terminal commands and those that I described as deadly. This time, I decided to gather some commands that I think …

Solaris commands.


prtdiag vmstat iostat uname -a Will update this shortly with the details for these commands.

Blessed with baby girl.


<font face="sans-serif">I have been blessed with baby girl. Just wanted to share with you all.

Cool Easter Eggs


Since it&#8217;s almost <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/easter" title="Easter" rel="wikipedia" href="">Easter …

Quick tip to change parameters in different files


The above command is very useful to change certain regular expressions in couple of files in one directory. This can be used in variety of ways to achieve a lot of things which would normally take …

Linux find command – Find file and directories faster and easier


 This command is very powerfull when used with combination of filters and pipes and RE. I will give some example: […] find . -type f –» List all files find . -type f -exec rm {} …

Edit a File When You Are Viewing It Using more / less Command


<a href="">Aritcle here. […] <span style="color: #ff0000;">Question: I can use <a …

Ubuntu Sucks Like a Shopvac and Other Linux Rants


Almost 100 articles and blogs on the topic of “ubuntu sucks” were published in the past month alone, and about as many were published that unequivocally state Windows is better than Ubuntu.<table …

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