bash script to change vim colorscheme based on the available themes
Here’s one script that you may find useful. A little variation or wrapper for this script can make your life colorful 🙂 You can write a wrapper to this to take one of the inputs randomly and …
Quick update on speeding up X windows with gnome look.
I have tried various options and now I am trying one more option. The option is to use the LXDE desktop. The LXDE desktop is a lightweight X Desktop. The look and feel are quite similar to the Gnome …
Microsoft Updates Linux Code
Microsoft releases enhancements to the Hyper-V Linux Integration Services that the company contributed to the Linux community in 2009. Microsoft has released enhancements to the Hyper-V Linux …
wine-doors – door to wine with applications like photoshop and lots of windows games.
wine is the project to natively support the Windows application on the Linux platform. But people who have tried to use it know that there are lot of dependencies on the Windows programs which cannot …
Adding date to Photographs.
This is one of the common things that I want to do when I want to print the photos and its truely boring job to do given the fact that the Date Photo taken is already in the image taken by the Digital …
My project in gnomedesktopwal
My project is accepted in and I have a stable version released today in sourceforge. The link for the project is : <a class="aligncenter" …
Python program to download youtube video
#!/usr/bin/env python […] # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Ricardo Garcia Gonzalez […] # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and …
using paragraph seperator in vi – the easy way
imap aa 80i-io […] Just put this in the vimrc or in a vi session with a : in normal mode. Explanation: This will map the key ”aa” to the sequence which will add …
l-exp listrs – A new look at linux blogs and sites
<a href=""><img id="kwiclick-temp-0" title="gigantic apple final cut studio software sign …" …
survey on bing versus google
vim understanding the various modes and using the yanking more efficiently.
We will look at the vim modes today. Sometime back , I was looking at copying a function body. So I was basically looking to copy the lines till matching ”}”. I found a plugin …
Extend Gedit with amazing plugins
<a href="" …