String and Array Creation


<img src="" alt="Perl One Liners" align="bottom" />This is the fourth part of a …

Panini – pano viewer.. new way to look at your photo.


Some information on Panini: […] Panini can load most common photo and <a class="zem_slink" title="Panorama" rel="wikipedia" …

fvwm Look and Feel, icons and themes


I am liking fvwm more and more. Rather I went ahead to get the themes and icons for fvwm and am quite happy with the amount of customization I can do with the WM. So, I found the themes page for the …

How To Modify Your Wordpress Theme Via The Browser Using Stiqr


<a href=""><img …

Spam Drops Worldwide After American Webhosting Firm Closed Down


<a href="" target="_blank"> Do I …

Convert decimal numbers to binary


There is a calculator called bc that works in the command line. So if you need a quick calculator function in the command line then you could write some functions that will do the trcik for you. Here …

Upgrade to Fedora 13 from your existing version using yum.


Well. this time it seems to be very simple : […] yum –releasever=13 upgrade […] update 22/April/2010: The key file will not be there so there are two options for you in this case: …

Liquid rescale and remove objects from the images.


Ever wanted to remove some unwanted object from an image. Wonder how many thinkgs you have to do, clone and delete and what not:) There is a simpler way, just paint it in foreground color. Does that …

Linux Advocacy and cool things to do with Linux.


I have heard a lot of Linux advocacy and read probably a couple of artilcles also on them but they lack one thing : the end user perspective. Linux is great no doubt, but there are far too many things …

recursively add directory and files to cvs from Linux.


Go to the directory which you want to add to cvs and execute the following: […] cvs login find . -type d -exec cvs add {} \; find . -type f -exec cvs add {} \; cvs commit […] That was …

fotowall – create cool looking wallpapers (collage) on Linux


Description of the <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/computer_software" title="Computer software" rel="wikipedia" …

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