Linux Contractor Fired for Using Firefox/Linux


This is a complicated story but one that must be told. I’m not sure there is anything that can be done about it except rage at the moon… But it needs to be told none the less. Did I mention …

Download youtube video directly from the command line with youtube-dl


If you keep searching for applications to <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/uploading_and_downloading" title="Uploading and downloading" rel="wikipedia" …

captcha\’s implemented finally.


For last couple of time I had tried to set the captcha to avoid spam. Getting nearly 2-3 spam now everyday and is on the increasing side, so finally I worked out to put the spam control meaasure – …

AndreaMosiac.. The way to create a mosaic.


<a href="" target="_blank">Download from here, AndreaMosaic. It us cinoketekt free for personal use and does just what the …

Local DNS Server for faster DNS response time


Here&#8217;s a quick tip for faster DNS response time. I installed a local DNS server which can contact the remote DNS server and enabled caching for the local DNS server. This ensures that the …

Delete all files in a folder that don’t match a certain file extension


$ rm !(.foo|.bar|*.baz) Deletes all files in a folder that are NOT *.foo, *.bar or *.baz files. Edit the pattern inside the brackets as you like. […] <a …

Setup of gdm


gdmsetup is the command you are looking for… Just run gdmsetup and you get a whole lot of configurations that you can modify.

Building Your Own Linux Kernel, part 1


<a href="">Bookmark this category There are a lot of reasons to customize your own Linux kernel: better performance, bugfixes, try out new …

Do not close stderr


<a href="">A few years ago, I wrote a post commenting on how ugly this was: $ someprog 2>/dev/null I was nearly imploring the …

25 Awesome GIMP Brush Sets (Download 1000+ FREE Brushes)


Tech Source From Bohol: &#8221;To help you further enhance the functionality of GIMP, I have here a huge collection of awesome, high-quality brushes that can be utilized for whatever projects you …

Spruce up your firefox with lightweight themes – Personas


Head over to Firefox addons site for persona <a href="" target="_blank">here. This addon will give you the ability to …

Lock the hardware eject button of the cdrom


$ eject -i 1 This command will lock the hardware eject button of your cdrom drive. Some uses are: 1: If you have a toddler and has discovered the cdrom button 2: If you are carrying a laptop in a bag …

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