Menu driven ssh.
I have quite a lot of servers where I need to ssh at workplace and I generally don’t remember all of them, so I wrote a simple yet useful script. In all the servers I have already copied my …
The power of find command in Linux – advanced.
Generally whoever uses Linux, would know about the find command. Find the man page <a href="" …
Inotify Example - Introduction to Inotify with a C Program Example
<a href="">Inotify Example: Introduction to Inotify with a C Program Example: <a class="zem_slink …
LPI Certification help and tutorials
For the last couple of days I have been very busy but not too away from my desktop. Though I did not get time to publish anything. Here’s one of my other favourite distributions. Its known …
Startup animation and theme for Fedora 12 onwards.
Since the release of <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/fedora" title="Fedora" rel="homepage" href="">Fedora 12, fedora is using …
Display the history and optionally grep
Ever wondered how good it would be to have a command/function that would display the history or display the history with <a class="zem_slink" title="Grep" …
Working with FTP Directories.
If you have to manage some ftp site, I can understand you pain in managing the site with FTP. Specially if you are managing a site where you need to edit the files. Without shelling out some decent …
Solaris Tips and Tricks
Find a list of Tips and Tricks <a href="">here. A nice trick to list the process which has opened a particular port is : #!/bin/ksh …
bash script to change icon theme to check out all the installed themes (personal)
I am really annoyed with the time that is required and the number of clicks that it takes to change the gnome icon theme. So here’s a small script that I wrote to quickly check out all the …
Awk Introduction Tutorial – 7 Awk Print Examples
awk examples Awk Introduction Tutorial – 7 Awk Print Examples This is the first article on the new awk tutorial series. We’ll be posting several articles on awk in the upcoming weeks that will cover …
vim – get names of the scripts and the details from the command line
For the below commands either you can set the two variables in bold and then run the scripts or change the following in the commands and run the scripts. If you have html2text installed then you can …
Disk identification by UUID in Fedora.
Yesterday I managed to delete my complete /usr directory and thus had to re-install my OS but I learned something new yesterday which I didn’t know earlier or actually never bothered to find …