Biggest free shell account list
Biggest shell account list is <a href="" target="_blank">here.
using mypaint on Linux
Here is description of mypaint. […] Mypaint is a fast and easy/simple painter app focused on the painter, so you can only focus on the art and not the program itself. Currently MyPaint does not …
Scripts to create logins from bash command – for creating multiple accounts
Heres the script: […] cat «EOF > for i in `cat logins` ; do login=`echo ”$i”|awk -F”:” '{print $2}’`; …
Browser or User agent identification with php.
<a href="">Link This is a link to very nice code to identify the browser used by the user. I have put a test program with this <a …
Stats for
Last couple of weeks/months has been a very good time for my blog. The subscribers have increased, the visits have increased. My blog is visited more and more from the search results. My alexa ranking …
How To Run Subscriber-Only Competitions on Your Blog
A Guest Post by David Cleland from TotalApps. In 2006 I proudly started my first blog, DigMo! It was <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f800000000003ac3a" …
Determine what process is listening on a port on Solaris, without lsof
$ for x in `ptree | <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/awk" title="AWK" rel="homepage" href="">awk '{print …
The best in command line xml: XMLStarlet
<a href="">Quite some time ago I wrote about using xsltproc to process xml on the command line. Thank fully …
Verify all the paths in the PATH directory
Here is the command to test that all the directories in your path actually exist. […] (<a class="zem_slink freebase/en/internal_field_separator" title="Internal field …
bash completion not working on Fedora
I had bash completion installed and after that I had made huge changes to my bashrc and also installed bashstyle. After this the bash-completion stopped working. I had to spend a lot of time to figure …
Play media files in fedora.
Found <a href="">here .<div class="smallfont"> Media (DVD, web content, video & audio) playback in Fedora <hr …
colors in bash – script to display all the possible colors.
If you wanted to have colors in the bash output (including the colors in PS1-4), don’t you keep wondering how the color code would look on the terminal. So, I wrote this small script to show …