using kill to see if a process is alive
I am making some changes to the moreutils sponge command. Sponge provides a method of prepending which is less specialized than my prepend util. However, it has trouble with large amounts of input. …
GCompris — Kids games and learning activities and hacks.
I found a nice game and learning software for Kids yesterday. It is called <a href="" target="_blank">GCompris. Details of the software as in their …
IRC on Linux de-mystified for new users only
The other day, I was trying to fix something in my firefox and found that the way to go was to login to IRC and go to the mozilla <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/server" …
Google Profiles Turn Into OpenIDs
As part of its push to go more social, <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f800000000042acea" title="Google" rel="homepage" …
FastestfoxLite - Disable prefetching and make firefox really fast.
If you are stuck with firefox performance, then you should try this addon:<h6 class="zemanta-related-title">Related articles by …
First Fedora 13 Features Listed: NFSv4, DisplayPort
Fedora 12 will not see the light of day for a few more weeks still, but the first features for Fedora 13 are now known. On the Fedora Project Wiki is now the Fedora 13 feature list. Added so far to …
Let the cow speak what you want it to – ascii art with cowsay
A picture is worth a thousand words. So here’s the thousand word posting. <a href=""><img …
for loop in bash script on solaris without seq
Today I was working on a solaris box and wanted to do a watch. watch command is not available on Solaris 8 by default and I did not want to install it just for this small one time job. So I wrote …
Configuration of my home desktop - updated
Here is the list of components of my Desktop : <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/nvidia" title="Nvidia" rel="geolocation" …
email with templates (with variables) from the command line with sendmail or any other MTA.
I was trying to get templates to work on evolution and found that although templates are there in evolution mail client, its not that efficient to use. What I thus wanted was to have something that …
Default files and settings for new users on most Linux distribution – Linux Ubuntu
For most common distributions of Linux the default settings for the newly created user with GUI or useradd command is taken from the directory /etc/skel All the files (including the hidden files) are …
<a href="" target="_blank">Here’s a nice article on Windows vs Linux. I have been reading on these …