Bashstyle rpm for Fedora 11 – Style up your bash prompt.
For those of you who like to show off your desktop or want your bash prompt to be colorful and useful at the same time. Lets start the day with a cartoon. [[danscartoon]] There is a nifty application …
Hotmail login from Linux machine using Firefox.
Today I learnt two things. One is that Hotmail has changed the look of the email on the web. Quite good change. Looks good. Second is that when loggin in to the hotmail using my Fedora box with …
New GNOME 2.24 is an incremental improvement
<a href="">Link Quite good details on the new improvements.. Currently I am installing empathy which looks quite interesting. Screenshot for empathy …
concatenate compressed and uncompressed logs
$ find /var/log/apache2 -name 'access.loggz' -exec <a class="zem_slink freebase/guid/9202a8c04000641f800000000001abd9" title="Gzip" rel="homepage" …
Gnome Icons, themes and window decorator.
Yesterday, I had tried fusion theme, but that did not work our that good for me. Reasons multifold: […] So I went back to my GNome but wanted to change the looks so searched enough today to get …
Configurable Linux Distro You Might Want To Try – Fedora
Rounding out the fall releases from the big cheeses in Linux comes <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/fedora" title="Fedora" rel="homepage" …
Unixmen - Tips to reduce memory usage on Firefox
A nice aritcle on reducing the memory usage of firefox on <a class="zem_slink" title="Linux" rel="wikipedia" …
Are you swapped? Increase the performance of Linux machine.
With the ever increasing cost of the Hardware, the amount of physical RAM available on the system is increasing day by day. For example, couple of years back, I had a system which was very high end …
A Five-Way Linux Distribution Comparison In 2010
<a href="" target="_blank">A five way linux comparison. A very good comparison of the most …
gnomecc color scheme - my favourite.
my favourite <a href="">gtkrc-2 file. Snapshot of how it looks. <a …
jumps and marks in vim
First we will talk about jumps in vim. Very useful for <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/navigation" title="Navigation" rel="wikipedia" …