importing outlook pst files in evolution in Fedora 13 ( Goddard)


If you were using outlook and moved to some other <a class="zem_slink freebase/en/e-mail_client" title="Email client" rel="wikipedia" …

List of commands you use most often


$ history | <a class="zem_slink" title="AWK" rel="homepage" href="">awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print …

Bash Examples – Mistakes to Avoid


A bash script is a text file containing a list of commands to be executed by the bash shell. A long time back, I had written a guide on Bash scripting which teaches you the basic syntax of bash …

Make better use of the scripting feature in the vim editor


There is a nice tutorial on the <a target="_blank" …

Get the information on all the rpms installed on the system


Here&#8217;s a one-liner to get the info on all the packages installed on your system. […] rpm -qa –info |tee All_rpms_Info […] This is what it does, when you query the rpm database …

How To Install Ailurus 10.05 On Fedora | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials


For those of you who don&#8217;t know about ailurus: […] Ailurus is cross-<a class="zem_slink" title="Linux distribution" rel="wikipedia" …

strings linux command


Ever wondered what's inside some of those binary files on your system (binary executables or binary data)? Several times I've gotten error messages from some command in the Solaris system, but I …

Kernel ata exception — found workaround.


I have been getting the below errors in my system for quite sometime now, I think since F9 or before that. The offending hardware is CD drive. I looked all around the net for a solution but did not …

Raw file format support in Rawstudio for Linux for FujiFilm cameras.


Finally <a href="">Rawstudio has decided to add the support for FujiFilm raw file format. The support for FujiFilm cameras was not there in the rawstudio but now …

Typing the current date automaticly in any application with a key binding.


$ xvkbd -xsendevent -text $(date +%Y%m%d) I don&#8217;t want to waste time to all the time type the current date. I have set this snippet in my kde shortcuts with meta+l. All the <a …

Paste clipboard is bash or shell scripts with modification.


Today I had a issue where I wanted to paste the clipboard to a shell script after removing the spaces. So, I went hunting for a way to do this. Finally I came up with this: […] sudo yum install …

Linux command to repeat a string n times - Super User


I was working on something and needed to output the string n times. I have required this even to print a line with &#8217;-&#8217; or &#8217;=&#8217; but this time I badly wanted it in …

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