Browser Conkeror – fast, versatile, easy and configurable
Conkeror is a browser that uses XULRunner and is a highly configurable and programmable browser. Here is the description of the browser from the homepage: […] Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, …
Eagle in the sky
Let the pics speak for themselves…
More cloud photos for your eyes.
Isn’t the sky too beautiful… If you are looking through a camera (likes of Nikon D5000) then it looks more beautiful and just leaves a mark in photographs….. Here are some pics that I took and make …
List all the rpms by size – quick way to find out what is eating your disk space in root partition
Here is a quick command to check the list of installed packages by their size in reverse order. Very useful if you want to remove unwanted rpms just to clean up some space on your disk: […] …
Quick tip on zipping logs in real time.
Sometimes, some small things that we don’t actually think can be useful are such useful. I faced this couple of days back when I was working on something and the amount of logs getting generated and …
Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 Post Installation Guide
Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 Post Installation Guide ubuntu.jpgUbuntu 10.10 codenamed Maverick Meerkat is released. As you all know Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution since it aims on … – very good collection of utilities for .deb based distro’s
Head over to and you will find a nice utility created by the makeuseof guys. This will allow you to select the applications that you want to install and once you have …
Introduction to the Command Line (Second Edition) — Free Ebook Download
Pretty good book for beginners on command line whether you work on Ubuntu, Fedora, BSD or any other version. […] …
Sun behind the clouds.
This is one pic that I liked so much that I could not resist myself from posting just this one. Sun is hiding behind the sky.
Resize all the images in directory.
<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …
[Solved] Abbreviations not working in vim
Today I found that abbreviations are not working in vim in my current login. I searched log of blog’s and sill did not find any solution so I decided to take the matters in my hand. To start with I …
Performance issues resolved with my blog.
For last 2-3 weeks there were quite a lot of performance issues with my website. I was looking at the same but could not get enough time to have all of them resolved together. Finally I have spent …