fork a new process in perl


I was doing something today and found that I require to fork a new process in perl. Now I had never done this earlier, so I did not know how to do this. First some background : I was doing some …

bash mathematical calculators.


To start with , the most simple and easy to use should be “bc”. but just for some guys who want to be more experimental, here are few more bash calulator programs. These are completely command line …

shopt causes bash completion to stop working.


Couple of days, I added some scripts to my bash startup and suddenly realized that bash completions stopped working. This is tricky situation in bash to figure out what went wrong. So, I set my foot …

First earning on the blog in the form of advertising


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Find all the missing paths in the PATH variable in bash script


Here is a simple script that will list out all the paths in the PATH variable that do not exist.

Linux humour – tar is coward


Some errors are too good and though you would have seen them couple of times you don’t realize until sometimes it just hits you, like the one below: […] tar: Cowardly refusing to create an …

bash 4.0 – new feature mapfile


Recently I encountered a problem where I had to create couple of arrays in bash and these were quite dynamic in nature. This script was supposed to be used by couple of guys whom I did not trust too …

perl is faster than bash in some cases.


Some days back, I had to generate some data to be uploaded to a database. As usual I assumed that bash should be faster and hence wrote the script to create the files in bash. But I found that even …

New feature in Nautilus – resize icon on desktop.


On Desktop on Gnome using nautilus, now you can resize individual icons. Just right click on the icon to resize and in the menu you will get a resize icon : […] and then you can resize the icon …


Speed Up Firefox by Moving Your Cache to RAM


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Shell Scripting


Here are some links for bash programming that you may find useful. …


Ultralight DIY distribution


<dd class="wp-caption-dd zemanta-img-attribution" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> Image via <a …

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