install all solaris software from http


If you are behind a firewall and install some software like top or wget then you can not use sunfreeware, and why because ftp is blocked. Now that is not the case any more, you can go the http mirror …

Using ssmtp to send mail using gmail.


First install the package ssmtp using the command: […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> sudo yum install ssmtp </div> </td> </tr> Open the …

using gnuplot for time plotting


Couple of days back, I was working with some data and wanted to plot it. I had couple of options Excel, ploticus and then our own gnuplot. My choice here was gnuplot, as this is most commonly …

some bash exercise for you


Here is some teaser for you, can you figure out how this works:

Happy Valentines day to all.


Happy Valentines to all.

Free, But Not Full-Featured Photo editor

2011/02/13 Photo! Editor: Free, But Not Full-Featured This free photo editor produces nice images easily, but can’t print or share. By …

analyze debug queries output for wordpress


Some time back, my website became too slow and I started getting timeout response for quite a lot of my pages. When I analyzed things, I found the issue was with the DB queries taking a lot of time. …

bash regular expressions


Here are some quick links on bash regular expressions, pretty good links to bookmark, if you use, regular expressions in bash regularly. I especially like the tldp link at number 3. …

vino – connect to running GNome session like RDP


One thing that all of us Linux users have probably missed is connecting to the running GNome session to see what is going on in the running session. This can be quite handy in couple of situations: …

Photography – Stock photos on bigstock.


Couple of days back, one of my friends suggested that I put my photos on bigstock also along with my site at . I thought, let me give it a try and created a account on …

Ranking of the most frequently used commands


Lets take a quick look at how to get the most frequently used commands on you shell. So what we need to do is this: […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> history | awk …

bash math


some quick links :

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