Registrations restricted for some time


Since morning today, the registrations has increased dramatically and hence for the time being I have restricted the registration to only verified Open ID. Extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused …

N900 starts showing junk characters


Well, sometime back I bought N900, some snaps here. And sooner than later I started playing with it. In an effort to reduce the disk usage for the “/” (root) partition, I removed some packages that …

Total upload and download on any interface.


Something that I have been searching for a long time, finally some look inside the <a class=“zem_slink” title=“Procfs” rel=“wikipedia” …

Corruption, India and Social Activist


First off, sorry for being completely off beat this time but I could not help but write on this. Everyone in the world by now would have definitely heard about the Indian’s Fight against corruption. …

CR Post to not working – resolved.


Last couple of months I was having a tough time getting the plugins in my wordpress to work with the service. This is the only service that I rely on to post my blogs. So, basically I was left …

First Destination in Dubai – Creek


OK, so my first destination in Dubai was Creek in the after hours i.e. around 20:30PM. Good time to go to a place like Creek. Lots of lighting and really nice ferry to take you to the other side for …

RawTherapee — Raw imagr processor for all platforms


Image via Wikipedia […] Do watch this series for more information on my adventure with Windows in Dubai and Photography…. For the impatient ones, download the application here. Recently I was …

Movie Review (by Prashant Prahlad Abkari) – Stanley ka Dabba


 You wake up to some noise.. popping up of sesame seeds….u avoid it ..Daily routine they are.. Lethargically you start preparing by stuffing the books, separating them as either 100/200 pages or …

My new Maemo 5 Nokia N900 Mobile.


Image via CrunchBase […] I have been thinking of buying the “N900” Nokia mobile for quite sometime but for certain reasons could not get my hands on this mobile so far. Finally couple of days …

Solaris dump analysis


I had to debug a solaris crash dump and had no ides. Google search wasn’t much useful until finally I found this article: have a look at this article, this …

Unix shell script for removing duplicate files


The following shell script finds duplicate (2 or more identical) files and outputs a new shell script containing commented-out rm statements for deleting them (copy-paste from here): ::: updated on 02 …

Terminating a SSH session after starting background process.


 This is too good. If you are planning to start a background process in the bash script in the background and continue in the script, you cannot do it until……. You would need to close the stdout/stdin …

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