Install the fastest Mozilla browser on your N900


Firefox 7.0 is the browser that I am currently using on my N900. Its pretty fast compared to its predecessors. Its not even in BETA and all you can get is the nightly build. For me, its okay, as I …

Need Google+ invitaion.. leave a comment here.


 I just got mine, if you need a google plus invitation leave your email id in comments 🙂

Google+ – way to go for experinmenting.


Finally I got a invitations and was able to get into the Google+ today. Having been trying to do this for last couple of days, was quite anxious on how it is and how it fairs against Facebook and …

Fast and bleeding edge Firefox.. version 7


Firefox 7.0 nightly builds have started and it seems to be quite fast. So, if you dont care about some sites not opening or once in a while your browser crashing, been using for 2 days on Windows , …

Another nice and feature rich alternative to Google Search


Image via CrunchBase […] Some time back I had written a post on Scroogle. Scroogle is good, it provides privacy. But if you want more for your browsing experience, something that you thought …

GPG error on N900 when doing update on command line


Image via Wikipedia […] If you have added some extra repositories to your Nokia N900 and are trying to do something ( like update, install or any other apt-get operation) you might see some …

Installing Bling Theme on N900


Image via Wikipedia […] There is a very nice theme for N900 and it is called Bling theme. There is a problem though with the theme, the theme still does not have a installable .deb file, and …

Faster blog with stats removed


I was thinking of removing the statpress plugin for quite some time now, but did not have a good alternative. Today finally I managed to do this as I had few hours to spare. Now that this is done, you …

Some pictures/photos from Dubai Zoo


Here are some of the pics that I took in Dubai Zoo. The challenge in this was to get the correct Focus to make sure that the bars of the cage in the zoo does not come in the snaps. Putting the camera …

Deleting all mails in the N900 (Maemo 5) permanently


Well couple of days back, I checked the folder details of one of my accounts configured on the N900 (Maemo 5) and it was showing some 1000 or more emails, whereas I had only 4-5 emails in the Inbox so …

My Photos in the Nikon d5100 contest.


 I have submitted my photos on the D5100 Nikon Photo contest. Do visit the links below and if you like them, vote for my photos 🙂 To vote, just click on the link. You will be taken to Nikon site, …

faster bash operations on files with File Descriptors.


I was writing a bash script that would do some operations and read and write to file. Seems that that was pretty simple with […] <td> <div class="text codecolorer"> while …

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