Disable a few cores when you want to save power.


If you have a lot of CPU power and working on battery. If you do not need that much of power and would like to rather save some battery power by disabling some cpus then you can use the below script. …

Battery performance improvement with powertop and using xidel.


For those of you, who have not heard about powertop, it is a tool to monitor the power consumption on your system. It has a tab which shows the tuneable parameters. Doing the changes suggested in …

quick bash script for datewise backup of directory


I was working on something and the data was very critical and needed backup. I wrote a bash script to back up the data every 5 hours with cron and bash script. Thought I will share that with you. Here …


Allow incoming/outgoing ports on iptables


Last couple of years, I just used to disable iptables on my system, this time I decided not to disable it and keep it enabled. So far so good, now comes the tricky part, I have http server enabled on …

New improvements in site.


Have spent some time today to speed up the blog today and made some improvements. Today I finally managed to get some time to update my site and change theme. I also made some changes that should …


Xnest – XDMCP protocol and virtual DM


XDMCP is protocol that allows remote connections and provides you with a working Display Manager like KDE, GNome, et al. Its a remote connection protocol that is mostly enabled on Solaris and disabled …


meld – cvs diff with ease


There are couple of ways to make life easier with CVS diff. But here is one that is really good. First if you haven’t, install meld: sudo yum install meld meld is basically a diff viewer and pretty …

phpmyadmin access problem and change server from URL


I was having issues with one of the phpmyadmin setups. The first server defined in the config file was not accessible and the theme that I was using was not allowing me to change the server from the …

Shortcut to run current command with sudo in bash


For me, I mostly forget to add “sudo” to the command until the time I am actually supposed to run it. Also sometimes, on some systems, bash completion does not work as expected with “sudo”. With these …

Ubuntu – Really force remove a package.


I was trying to remove a package on one of the Ubuntu installations the other day and was not able to do so. I tried google and tried all the options mentioned in various forums like “-f”, purge, …

snmpd -verify if the mibs are loaded.


If you are setting up the snmpd server and have added your own mibs and do not really know if the mibs are loaded or not then simply go to the directory: /var/lib/net-snmp/mib-indexes This can save …

pdfjs – html5+javascript based pdf viewer for Firefox.


Firefox 15 has arrived and there is lot to brag about. Since there are already many blogs on this, so just giving you a link to one of those. But what is most interesting is the integration of PDF.js. …

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