dnsmasq not starting from NetworkManager with SELinux enabled.
Some time back I posted on dnsmasq starting from Network Manager and how to setup dnsmasq. Now, couple of days back , I setup dnsmasq in NetworkManager but was astonished to see that there was no …
Firefox troubleshooting
Here are few quick tips on getting to see what could be wrong with firefox. Config entries – about:config Support Information – about:support Details on config entries – …
slow ssh connection
If you are experiencing slow ssh connections, then possibly your system is trying to do reverse lookup of the IP address. If that is the case, then you can add the below to “hosts” line in …

steam on Linux – for Fedora
I was trying to get steam on linux on my Fedora box. Headed over to steam website, but was astonished to find only Ubuntu client over there. A little googling presented me with the developer website …
viewvc – serve current directory in web interface.
Here is the description of viewvc: […] ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable directory, revision, …
ssh reverse tunning..
If you want to access some local resources like the release website from the remote server when you are connecting to the remoter server using ssh over VPN, then possibly reverse ssh tunnelling is the …
Taking screenshot in firefox.
Couple of days back, I was trying to take screenshot with Firefox. As usual I started out with searching for plugins which could take a screen shot for the whole page and not just the visible portion …
NIce backgrounds with Fedora with Yearly calnedar
Here is something that you can try sudo yum install yearcalendar-backgrounds This will install 3 wallpapers with yearly calendars. There is no interesting background in the calendar but then you get …
dnsmasq – use with Network Manager.
Well if you have not heard about dnsmasq: […] Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network. …
lightweight pdf viewer – zathura.
Zathura is a lightweight viewer for pdf which works on plugins. Here is shor description : […] Zathura is a highly configurable and functional PDF viewer based on the Poppler rendering library …
dnstop – top like utility for Fedora and other *nix
For installation : sudo yum install dnstop And now some description: […] dnstop is a libpcap application (ala tcpdump) that displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network. dnstop …
poor mans watch, watch for solaris
Here is a simple script that you can use as watch in Solaris as well.