quick notepad in firefox.


If you quickly need to note something and you do not want to leave your browser then just add a bookmark to : data:text/html, <html contenteditable> and whenever you need to get the notepad, …

Vim – Why and where am I getting these errors from?


If you have got this question in your mind, then you are in right place. vim -V20 2>&1 |tee You can give the debugfile as any file, where you would want to log the debug messages. This will log a …


Fedora – Ramdisk creation


In Fedora, ramdisks are not created by default as is the case with RHEL. So, if you need to get Ramdisks on Fedora, then you can do this: sudo yum install MAKEDEV This will create some default …

Manage your servers the easy way with perl script over ssh with no remote client.


For a long time I have not posted any script. So, its not that I have not written anything new, but just that did not put them here in lack of time. So, here is one interesting one. The original idea …

cksum – compare for multiple files.


If you have to compare cksum for couple of files, the you know how cumbersome it is. So, I wrote a simple script, wherein you can create a file called cksums in the current directory and copy paste …

configure firewall – the easy way.


It is good practice to keep iptables/firewall enabled. But configuring it is difficult, do you agree. Not any more 🙂 Install firewall-config sudo yum install firewall-config This will install a GUI …

sendmail or sending mail


If you want to use sendmail so that you can send all your mails from the local system to your email address, then you have to use sendmail. Now, configuring sendmail has never been that easy and if …

IE8 – Developer Tools


Don’t start banging me for this, but I had to test something on Windows and thus found out this. I f you need to debug or test something on IE8 on Windows, then you can simply press “F12” and this …

ss – anothre utility to investigate sockets.


ss is : […] ss is used to dump socket statistics. It allows showing information similar to netstat. It can display more TCP and state informationsthan other tools. […] This comes in …

dwb – keyboard driven browser


First off, install using the command sudo yum install dwb Now for the description: […] dwb is small webkit-based web-browser in the spirit of tiling window managers,that aims to be mostly …

Ubuntu hushlogin


In Ubuntu, if you do not like all the information that comes when you do a remote login, then you just need to do this:

duff – find duplicate files.


duff – description: […] Description : Duff is a command-line utility for quickly finding d […] uplicates in a given set of files […] and now time to execute : find . -type f …

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