Fedora.next – what is it?


Fedora.next is being much talked about but what it really is. If you want some insight’s and understand what it is, head over to this presentation. A nice presentation that explains the concept for …

Sandbox apache (httpd) for better security.


Apache/httpd is something which you would like to have contained. And now fedora provides a native way/mechanism to to so with virt-sandbox-service. With this, you can create a virtualized sanbox …

Sandbox Firefox – First step to security


First we will setup cgroup to limit cpu and memory usage, so here we go: Add the configuration in /etc/cgconfig.conf #------start cgconfig---------------- #new group group firefox { perm { task { …

fetchmail to get the mails from your imap account


Now, that you have set the RPi to send emails, lets do the next best thing. Setup fetchmail so that we can setup a cron job to run and get us the emails on Raspberry Pi. What can we do with these …

Raspberry Pi automate certain tasks – script example


Now, if you have followed these : fetchmail ssmtp Then you already have a working system for sending and receiving mail. Now, you can set the mda in the fetmailrc to a script which can do few things …

get the contents of whole site like some wiki or wikia


For wikis and wikia, generally if you are trying to get some url mirror, then websucker.py is an excellent option. This script is in the python sources so, to get this tool, yumdownloader --source …

get all the urls in html file (local or on server).


To use this, you will need the lynx tool, so install that first. sudo yum install lynx Now, to get list of all the URLs in local html file or some URL, just execute this: lynx -dump -listonly Related …

nautilis fork ( File manager ) with tree view in sidebar.


Was searching for this for sometime now, finally found it. sudo yum install nemo sudo yum list nemo* First just install nemo. Configure nemo not to interfere with default desktop and also make it …


bash debug – log all executed commands


Whenever I am writing a script in perl or bash, I always wish that there was some way to have all the commands logged or output to screen. I know there is “set -x” option to have debugging enabled, …

inotify -watch for file to change


Here is a simple command for you. It uses inotify tools. So first you need to install : sudo yum install inotify-tools and then you can try something like this: while true; do inotifywait -r -e modify …

vim mappings – easy way to do things.


You can use vim mappings to make some of your editor tasks very simple. Here I am giving you just a example, but you could always let your imagination run wild. :nmap ,b Oj0c$**hP And what do we do …

vim – yank/xopy in different register to paste


Very quick update, to use registers, you can select and then yank in a register to paste using the same register. This could be a convinient way to copy multiple selections and then paste which ever …

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