rfc2html – php script to view rfc with index and links.
If you have to keep viewing RFC’s and you miss index and links in RFC while viewing rfc, then you should check-out rfc2html. It is scrtip that takes plain text rfc and converts it to html. You can get …
Get status of your servers with perl script.
Monitoring the servers could be well – “not difficult” but boring and monotonous. And since this is something that you should ideally do on daily basis, so why not have a script for the same. You …
tlp – optimize and maximize your battery power.
If you are concerned about the battery life on your Linux laptop, then you should consider using tlp. tlp customizes your Linux distribution for maximum battery life and thus helps improving battery …
Backup – simple and intelligent
However much you stress on the importance of backupm people will forget about keeping it. So, if you do need a completely automated and simple backup then consider using “Back In Time“. Description: …
geary mail – gnome mail client
A new mail client is coming in town. Gnome is working on new mail client called geary. Currently only supports imap accounts. Description: […] Geary is a new email reader for GNOME designed to …
x2go – possible replacement to VNC
If you are accessing you Linux machine from VNC then you can try x2go. Pretty straight forward installation, with packages available for both Ubuntu and Fedora and most other common distros as well. …
unrar or unar – go open source way
Recently there was a utility released called unar, a open source replacement for unar. Description:: […] The command-line utilities lsar and unar are capable of listing and extracting files …
terminal in browser.
Quite a lot of time, we are spending most of the time on Browsers and during this time, leaving the browser just to do some ls or some command for quickly checking something does not look productive …
Some nice linux tutorials
Some very nice articles and tutorials on Linux, find here. Pretty nice collection.
sunflower – file manager.
Sunflower file manager is a new file manager that has couple of interesting features, that I liked, not that I use graphical file managers much. It has a in-built command line, terminal and other …
Xephyr – Nested X Server
Nested X-Server is running a X server root window within your running X-windows session like Gnome or KDE. This could be useful if you want to keep all you ssh windows in one window or maybe run all …
xca – Graphical X.509 certificate management tool
If you are looking for some tool to manage X.509 certificates then probably xca is your best guess. This is a graphical tool and you can open any file and view the keys in it. So, first install it: …