ssh – remove offending key.
Whenever a system/server is re-installed or the host key changed for any reason, you would have seen the “host key verification failed”. And as usual you would have to go to known_hosts file and …
DNS – simple and effective guide with history
Here is link to a very nice and definitive guide to DNS. Very detailed and useful. There is a pdf version as well to download 🙂 Thanks to Andrijana Nikolic for …
virsh – show ip address of all running VMs
If you are using the libvirt and associated tools, then you must be aware about virt-manager. However this being a GUI tools, it is not possible to always use this. “virsh” is a good option for this. …
image ordering by Original Date Time using bash script
Here is the script: #!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: # # USAGE: ./ # # DESCRIPTION: # # OPTIONS: --- # …
Disk usage by file type
Trying to find the total usage for each of the file types by extension, then here is a quick bash function for you : disk_usage_type () { find . -name '*'$1 -ls | awk ' BEGIN{ a[0]="Bytes"; a[1]="KB"; …
terminal, terminal everywhere.
Tilda is a borderless terminal that can be started multiple times each with its own configuration. […] […] Its super easy to have multiple configurations. Start as many as you want. …
How to verify sha256sum for multiple file or one file.
So, lets say you have downloaded the SHA256SUMS files. This file contains the sha256sum for multiple files and you want to compare the values for only one or some of them, then the simplest thing you …
Get count of lines in scripts (shell)
If you have tried to get the count of lines in file, the you would know about “nl” or “wc -l”. But as you are aware these give you number of lines with other details as well and you need to post …
Text file based presentation tool – pinpoint
Pinpoint description: […] Pinpoint is a presentation tool. The source file for the presentation is text file and thus very easy to manage. You can see an example with : […] …
Executing commands on multiple hosts
If you have to execute the same command in multiple hosts, then you can use mussh: […] First install mussh with the following command dnf install mussh Now to run this for multiple hosts, you …
Network Manager post-up script (dispatcher script)
Network manager is supposed to be much better than network, how so? it supports dnsmasq for one… Dnsmasq with netowrkmanager Local name resolution Also Network Manager supports dispatcher scripts. How …
dnsmasq local name resolution with NetworkManager
Network Manager suports starting dnsmasq which helps you have a local cache for DNS thus getting faster resolution for the DNS queries. Dnsmasq with netowrkmanager So, one thing that I have been …