systemd – start service when you enable it
More often than not for any service, I end up doing : systemctl enable <service> systemctl start <service> But there is shorcut to this. In systemctl command when you enable the service, …
Linux Best Practices and Tips
Linux is powerful, flexible, and can be adapted to a broad range of uses. While best practices for administrating Linux servers are not hard to find due the popularity of the operating system, there …
Kernel dropped packet analysis
Found a simple method to check for all the packets dropped by kernel. First you need to install dropwatch with dnf install dropwatch and details of the package […] Once that is done, you will …
bash ansi codes to html for html reports from shell script
How many times you have felt that there was some simple way to convert bash ansi escape sequences ( colors as well in terminal ) to html equivalent so that you can send the same as html report in …
Get kernel function name from kernel address.
If you are using pmap or using strace and want to covert kernel address to function name then you can use the following technique. First you need to install elfutils, if not installed. dnf install …
Separation Anxiety: A Tutorial for Isolating Your System with Linux Namespaces
With the advent of tools like Docker, Linux Containers, and others, it has become super easy to isolate Linux processes into their own little system environments. This makes it possible to run a whole …
Merry together
journalctl command to see kernel messages
Sometimes, there are just too many messages in journalctl output and it becomes a mystery game to search for the messages you are looking for. But luckily you do not need to use grep to find the right …
Just hanging around.
Compose a video from a text sequence
I came across this useful and interesting project so sharing with all of you: seq2vid
Elephants at IG, Delhi